The Arnone adventure begins in 2013 when Arnaud Mercadier, kitesurfer and graphic designer decides to print on t-shirts his graphic creations inspired by the “kitesurf culture”… in order to finance the purchase of the combi-van of his dreams to discover the kitesurfing spots of Europe and elsewhere.
Thought and designed especially for you, some of Arnone’s graphics have already become collectors’ items in the kite community! Arnone’s designs are imagined during his kitesurfing sessions in resonance with the values of the kitesurfing community and are recognisable with the offbeat humour that reflects the spirit of kitesurfing and the Arnone brand.
Arnone offers a collection of original and FUN textiles designed for all kitesurfing, gliding and more generally freedom lovers.
Out of respect for our spots and oceans, we mainly use organic cotton cultivated without pesticides, screen printing with solvent-free inks and we ship your orders in recycled envelopes and boxes.